A Big Day Out in Keyham

A Big Day Out in Keyham

A day of family fun for all ages is promised on Monday, 11 April at Keyham Green Places (KGP), 163 Renown Street.

From 10am to 5pm visitors will be able to enjoy a wonderful variety of displays, activities and performances from groups including: Keyham Krafties, North Prospect Community Choir, Plymouth Argyle Community Trust, Green Minds, Black Dog, Honeybees, Wellbeing Warriors, Ministry of Martial Arts, Weston Mill Fire Brigade and many more.

Food and refreshments will also be provided on the day.

This is a free event organised by Plymouth City Council and Keyham Green Places but registration is required to gain admission while some activities for young people will also require consent from a parent or guardian. Use the QR code to pre-register your attendance – found on the flyer (bottom of page).

We are also asking you to support the foodbank at KGP and please bring as many donations as you can on the day to help feed children and families across Keyham.

For more details email brian.gill@plymouth.gov.uk

A Big Day Out in Keyham Flyer