What is the Recovery Programme?

The Recovery Programme is an action plan for Keyham, the surrounding areas and the wider Plymouth community. It is a council-led response involving multiple partners that aims to support and enable individuals and communities to heal and recover following the tragic events of Thursday, 12th August 2021.

The response is trauma informed and seeks to:

  • Ensure the loss of Maxine Davison, Lee Martyn, Sophie Martyn, Kate Shepherd and Stephen Washington is remembered and honoured in line with the wishes of the community
  • Listen and engage with communities to understand their emotional and practical issues and needs
  • Work in partnership with individuals and communities to support recovery and rebuild resilience
  • Use multi-agency expertise and resources to create a comprehensive support offer
  • Create a lasting legacy of support networks.

The initial Recovery Phase took place between 23rd August and 17th September 2021 and focused on four key areas: Support and Care, Community Recovery and Resilience, Communication and Engagement and Finance. Initiatives included the establishment of:

  • The Keyham Community Policing Team
  • Community Hub at Keyham Green places
  • The Plymouth Together website and support leaflet
  • An extensive care and wellbeing outreach programme.

At the end of the Recovery Phase a review was undertaken which has informed Phase Two that will run from the end of October to December 2021. The revised structure includes members of all the four previous groups and focuses on two key areas: A Safer Keyham and A Healthier and Resilient Keyham.

The priorities for A Safer Keyham group include:

  • Restore feelings of safety
  • Minimise future and existing harm
  • Advance community action.

The priorities for A Healthier and Resilient Keyham include:

  • Community Engagement and Development
  • Keyham Care and Support Offer
  • Memorial and Remembrance.

Both groups are overseen by the Recovery Coordination Group that reports into the Strategic Recovery Board.

The Plymouth Together Fund reports back to the Recovery Coordination Group via the Wolseley Trust which oversees the fund. The fund is the central hub for all donations and was launched to raise vital monies for the families and local communities impacted by the Keyham tragedy.

The Recovery Programme will also oversee the distribution of government funding announced to help support the communities affected over the next few years.