Youth engagement

Giving youth a voice

Young people are being invited to have their say on what they would like to see in Keyham and the surrounding areas.

A consultation has started giving ten to 18-year-olds the chance to tell the council what they want in their area, where they want it, who they would want to deliver it and – if they don’t want it in this area – where would they like to see it?

Suggestions so far have included: drop-ins such as youth clubs, different sporting opportunities, and classes in Parkour and street dance.

“Young people should get involved in this consultation because it’s an opportunity for them to have their say and their voice in the area,” said Caroline Storer, the council’s senior youth worker.

Caroline and colleagues have already started going into local secondary schools to speak to youngsters and are linking in with the Scouts, Wolseley Trust and Keyham Green Places.

The consultation will take place throughout February and any youngsters aged 10 to 18 who live in Keyham, Ford and the surrounding areas are invited to send in their thoughts to: